A Miracle for US

STOP taking OUR children – ALL children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents.

What is MadAngelsArmy?

anThere are groups of people who want to help families dealing with an abusive system.  They are called “Advocates”.  Though there are many, they are sporadically spread all over social media making it difficult for families to get the help and information they need to defend their families in a timely manner. MadAngelsArmy, (MAA), wants to change this. There are thousands upon thousands of people who have either gone through the CPS/Family Court nightmare, or are going through it now.  There are incredible websites, blogs organizations and Facebook pages created to help families.  MAA is not intending to re-create or duplicate any of this, but rather, pull all the people and information together, to one place, on one site for two purposes:  angel # 2 square

1. taking away the difficulty of searching the web for this information, and directing people as to where to go for what their immediate need is, and

2. to gather and create an army of advocates and victims to become ONE, LARGE, LOUD, UNITED, POWERFUL
voice that cannot be ignored.

Take the MAA pledge and help STOP the carnage of children and families across the US – – – TOGETHER!

The Facebook page will be where all gather to ask questions and get rapid response input from any number of the army, and the webpage will include the links of places to go for various resources.  If you would like to add your information, organization, web page, or Facebook page, it can be submitted on Mad Angels Army’s facebook page for entry into the website.  The title, brief description and link are desired, and people are asked to submit any sites they have found helpful with the same.  This will be an ongoing effort, i.e., to build up and include every available source that can help in this WAR that is harming children in the hundreds of thousands annually, and destroying families.

The page is just getting started, but with people who know the game.  They need help recruiting more advocates for all the families they are already trying to help, and they need help gathering all the victims spread across the country to form an army of hundreds of thousands to achieve goal #2!

You can help by contributing to goal #1 with information or experience you have found helpful or have had by adding it to the MAA facebook page here:

Mad Angels Army

and you can help achieving goal #2 by sharing this post/link http://wp.me/P61SsM-4w   to all groups you belong to, and any that you admin, and driving people to join the army!Enough going around in circles and talking about what needs to happen.  The time is now to make it happen.

Concurrently, people will be asked to join their respective state pages and drive people from those states to the following pages:  (These are the parent pages through which to find the state pages).

We must first start on each state, but we can still ALL help each other out in our respective states and show a BIGGER force when we bombard them with calls and emails!  Power in #s – – – always.

Each state dictates its own laws on abuse and court proceedings. If we move a good parental rights bill across the nation, then we can move to social program policy changes. It is a multi level approach that we have been doing in our letter campaign. We have seen results. We are here. We are at reform. Now is not the time we stand back. Now is the time for more letters, more calls, more persuasion and discussion on state levels. LC

#OpExposeCPS Operation Expose CPS is specific to CPS, and has opened pages in every state, and

Justice for the US in development, needs admins before it can open in every state.  It is geared to focus on all forms of injustice and hopes to reach a broader audience so that everyone from freedom fighters, to Constitutionalists, to legal and court reform groups, EVERYONE, will care and want to fight for Justice for ALL.

For the state pages that ARE in existence and ready to roll, it is critical that the admins visit this site continually to grab the appropriate information as it relates to their states:  Operation Cps Reform and Family Law reform   Vital, timely and important information is posted there throughout the day.

1e GoalslBelow are things in development as the MAA website is being prepared:… The websites gathered there are how to self help sites. These walk you through the honest role of the child protection agenda and how you can protect yourself and your family including popular sites in exposing cps for the destruction of families:

Reverse Miranda card http://thefightagainstcps.tripod.com/id14.html

Cps victims beginners manual http://www.vaclib.org/legal/CPS-Manual.htm

Fight cps handbook https://somethingforthepeople.wordpress.com/human-trafficking/news/introduction-to-legalized-kidnapping-and-adoption/home/fight-cps-hand-book/

Dirty little tricks of child protective services http://www.nfpcar.org/References/DirtyTricks.htm _

Family vs state know your family rights http://www.parentsinaction.net/english/Legal/KnowYourFamilyRights.htm

National Coalition for Child Protective Service reform http://nccpr.info/

Donnelly justice information to help victims of Cps http://donnellyjustice.me/

Kidjacked http://my.kidjacked.com/

Fight cps http://fightcps.com/2015/03/07/the-most-important-pages-on-this-site/

Legally kidnapped exposing Child Protective Services for what they really are http://legallykidnapped.blogspot.com/?m=1

Medical kidnapped. Exposing the medical kidnapping of children http://medicalkidnap.com/

Social workers Against Child Protective Services exposing the system https://amiablyme.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/social-workers-against-child-protecive-services/

Citizens against cps. Exposing corruption http://citizensagainstcps.com

How Child Protective Services buys and sells our children https://protectingourchildrenfrombeingsold.wordpress.com/2012/11/29/angel-eyes-over-texas-ijackie-vs-the-cps/

Government abuse. Family court and Cps exposed https://www.govabuse.com/

Unhappy Grammy exposes child protective services http://unhappygrammy-grandparentsblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/serious-problems-with-custody.html?m=1

NAASCA For our kids. Internet Radio show helping families voices be heard http://www.naasca.org/ForOurKids/

Advocate map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=zJZ39Cj1CPww.kvWq28drLO5s

Former Foster Child exposes foster care https://almosttuesday.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/kids-who-survived-cps-collin-county-finally-speak-out/

Rocking the cradle. Ensuring the rights of parents with disabilities and their children https://www.ncd.gov/publications/2012/Sep272012

Update 5/20/16 THANK YOU MEDICALKIDNAP.COM : Mad Angel: Former Foster Child Now Parent is Creating an Army of Victims to Fight CPS


20 comments on “What is MadAngelsArmy?

  1. Share Our International Survivors Forced Adoptions Conference

    Hello it is great to start interacting with others in the promotion of our conference. I have a good feeling about this one guys.

    I have attached a copy of the conference poster and media press release.
    Please feel free to share on social media networks as well as on websites if possible spread the word as far and wide as we can.

    We invite you to check out this website join the child protection task force and watch the conference live.


    Join The CPTF Child Protection Task Force.


    Thank you all for your participation in our conference we really appreciate all you are doing.

    Keep up the good work folks.

    Speak soon


    +44 1444 390270
    Skype freedomtalkradio1

    Sent from Windows Mail


  2. pitstopcandi
    February 25, 2016

    I just have to say that federal laws are already in place to guide state/county operations regarding families and protecting children. The problem has been the lack in oversite by feds who just hand over ur tax dollars to financially support point blank corruption that has existed for years now. Lies submitted, lies accepted, tax dollars paid out to support this process. Prison is where these criminals should be spending the tax dollars they have gained by fraud/organized crime muppets!


    • Rehab Amer
      March 2, 2016

      I support H.R. 1868 Rehab and Ahmed Amer Foster Care Improvement Act of 2015 because…because it the only humane thing to do by getting it to pass into National Law to protect all Voiceless with all of their God Giving Rights to their Innocence with a voice of hope that matter! No child should suffer as of my children’s in foster homes whom suffered the most not only were abused, traumatized, deprived from the love of their innocent parents ,grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins deprived of their own Identities to be spoken to with the only language they understood deprived to be placed and adopted by their fit familiar surroundings, this bill it’s a humane all should support those innocent children’s are the future leaders of our Great Nation what make a good leader other than by protecting their God giving Rights to their Innocence to be raised strong, loved with a voice that builds society…Broken traumatized abused children being tossed in foster care treated like a piece of an object doesn’t make a healthy upbringing for a child of whom are the future leaders…Many innocent families are suffering, let’s protect all Voiceless by giving them a Voice by setting guidelines that all follow in order to preserve the child’s innocence with Minimizing the emotional trauma of the child especially when kids are being taken from their loving homes, as it did with our kids…

      Sharing with you one of many letters from other falsely accused parents of whom lost their children and placed in foster homes forgotten!

      Yesterday in my search for more hope Terra Williams tagged me in a post and in the comments she told me was a story I might want to look at and grab hope or whatever I can from it. After reading this lady tell her horrific story I was so grief stricken for her and literally sick to my stomach as my soul cried for her family. What Rehab Amer and her family have been thru and yet she is still standing and fighting for all of our children, She is an inspiration to me and I admire her for all she has done. My biggest fear is my kids will be so brainwashed they will want nothing to do with me. This fear is Rehab Amer reality and even though she has proven herself thru and thru innocent well its trauma those kids have lived and been told differently all there life differently. I don’t know how this mom continues to have faith like she does. I don’t but I sure hope I can learn a thing or two and find strength in me I still don’t know I have. I Have heard hundreds of stories awful stories from parents. This one has me to my core. I can not imagine what this mom has lived and how her children feel. I had one other story bother me for weeks and I mean I would tell ppl the story strangers even because the horrible horrible horrible things that family and children had been thru are terrible and yet that mom Love and support for the Cook family is a fierce fighter. One that has even made me and her butt heads a few times because our styles are far different on how we advocate to other parents going thru this BUT I will say this her story her family’s story haunts me to this day and I have a deep respect for her even thou we may not agree all the time. I have a level of understanding and respect for her and I have decided not to judge her ways for I have not walked in her shoes. Please read these two stories. They are eye opening and heart wrenching. The nightmares I have had from the cook’s story still happen time to time. I pray for both these families and I think those of you looking to find a warrior to follow these two woman MOMS will blow you away. There fight is strong and there love for their children if fierce as it is unconditional. These woman are what warriors are all about. These women are MOMS.

      Blessings to both of you moms. I pray I find and keep that courage and strength you two have had. Rehab yours has been since 1985 and let down after let down and heartbreak after heartbreak. I pray your children find the answers and most of all they find peace in their hearts knowing there mama loves them and their late brother. THANK YOU LADIES THANK YOU

      Liked by 1 person

  3. adamroxyrhiannazoe
    February 25, 2016

    Good to see…been hearing for a few years that big plans were being compiled. Thanks, you have truly been a dedicated warrior.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Rhonda Mumpower
    February 27, 2016

    If you need any help, let me know. I am multifunctional & computer techy. I cant stand these people. Sometimes I can’t breath, just the mention of their name! I do have open case in Oregon. Medical Kidnap.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Rehab Amer
    February 27, 2016

    All Praises to God the Creator of heavens and earth whom preserved my beloved Son Samier to cry out from the grave that gotten us to get the State Amer Law passed here in Michigan by the Will of God our humble mission continues to the Federal Level our Federal Bill H.R. 1868 Rehab and Ahmed Amer Foster Care Improvement Act 2015 is now before the Congress it needs a lots of support from all families on a National Level with Voting in Support of the Bill as well by calling all of your State Representatives and ask them to get on board and co-sponsor H.R 1868 because it’s a Humane law that all should support, it is for all Children’s of all Families in giving a Voice of Hope that Matter to the Voiceless by making a Priority Placement the child within their own Fit Familiar Surroundings in order to prevent them from being placed with strangers in Foster Care where the Majorities of those foster placement homes are abusive they don’t care for the child only for the Monthly checks with all the profits that comes with to the DHS/CPS etc… Lets all Unite and be the Voice for the Innocence.. https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/114/hr1868

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Karen Brannnan
    March 10, 2016

    JOIN FREE: Federal Class Action for U.S. Child Custody Victims –

    Friends, I just joined CAPRA as one of the lead plaintiffs in an upcoming landmark federal class action lawsuit against all 50 States and the Federal Government, because I qualify as: (1) a biological parent whose child custody was unconstitutionally removed without due process; and, (2) I have been directly impacted by that during the last four years, i.e., within the statute of limitations. This class action is on behalf of *both* types of “family court” — for wrongful victims of divorce-and-similar-with-kids *and* for wrongful victims of child protection services — and includes suing on behalf of ANY parent affected by either “family court” type.

    It’s totally free to join, and the federal court relief being demanded includes the full restoral of my child custody rights under law, plus a nice share of the large amount in civil damages expected. Check it out!

    It just requires entering someone’s referral Code to join, so PLEASE use mine – 70769KB123 – in the CAPRA registration form, located on the bottom of the homepage at http://parentalrightsclassaction.com

    Plus, check out their power-packed Legal Tips page for all parents fighting family court, too — Wow!!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Rhonda Root
      August 19, 2017

      Why is it only for people who were involved up to five years ago? It was 2010 when they terminated my rights. Why can I not join this?


  7. Brooke Taylor
    April 28, 2016

    Please look up “Brooke Taylor Gracie’s Bill” and read the article that was posted, on my story. My daughter and I were victims of a fraudulent adoption, in Alabama. I authored a bill called, “Gracie’s Bill” to overturn fraudulent adoptions. I need an advocate. Someone who is fighting with me. The bill has already gone to session this year and will be passing next year, hopefully. You can contact me at brooke80@uab.edu. Thanks.


  8. mrailslider
    May 7, 2016

    Excellent Brooke we were vfictims of the same action, my daughter the disabled mother of four children is dire mental health due to the illegal processes of the States United Judicial System. I was dentified as a whistleblower I am listed on the jeffco children’s abuse registry for reporting their crime in 2009, this was revea;led in an ISP for her four children in 2012. After two separate trials and a rule 52 filed by AG Luther Strange her second trial and appeal was fraudulently under mined, I have copies of the transcripts and termination orders each showing altered transcripts and incomplete information fed to the appellate court system. In Jan 2014 we were in attendance of an unannounced hearing where two of my daughter’s four children had been in adoption since August 2012. and had never been revealed prior to Jan 2014, story of the same children were floated in the hearing they had been physically and sexualy molested and this was never announced until the evening of Jan 20, 2014.
    What’s so unique about all of this the TPR trial was not held until Sept 2012 yet the adoption had been started unnounced in August 2012. The mother disabled from birth and on a no work order from two separate hospitals was jailed for non payment of child support without a means test mentioned or involved and payment had been made her forced work has caused debilitating disability is full disability.
    Many of the warnings of Judge King and Sen N Schaffer are prevalent in this case alone. I will contact you thru the current E-mail and we can discuss the corruption and torture experience by the family due to reporting AL DHR’s illegal acts


  9. Cassie
    June 12, 2016

    I am in Canada and they are so bad here these people need to be stopped.


  10. Tannya Davis
    September 11, 2016

    Family services is constantly sticking up for the abuser and I’m constantly told I’m the list and tell my kids what to say. I’m currently sanctioned and in contempt, because my kids don’t want to live with their father.


    • Your situation is horrible and yet not uncommon. There are groups that focus specifically on this. If you have trouble finding them, let us know, and we will try and find you some support.


  11. Karen Brannan
    October 20, 2016

    To Everyone that has been Parentally Alienated (PAS) by not only your ex but the local and State Family court systems to include the attorneys paid to represent your case(s), CPS, local law enforcement entities and other components of the State and local Family court systems throughout the United States please read below:

    I am a parent of four children that have been severely parentally alienated from me as I have not seen them in four years as of August 2012. I have contacted politicians (Senators and Congressmen) all throughout the United States, contacted numerous law enforcement entities (local and state), contacted the courts, contacted the media in every facet to include Internet, radio, television, and many influential and famous individuals with no luck in resolving my individual situation.

    I was at my wits end as I knew I only had limited options, thus, I began to try and create my own class action lawsuit when I came across a Federal Class Action lawsuit against all the States and Counties in the U.S. in which CAPRA is spearheading. I joined IMMEDIATELY, as everything else I tried had failed because the Family courts are a systemic problem and is a $800 billion dollar a year and climbing industry in which the attorneys, judges, CPS, corrupt politicians and others in the state family court system make billions of dollars each year all across this country. I am posting this Federal Civil Qui-Tam class action lawsuit against the local and State family court systems as this a Federal Civil Qui -Tam. NOTE – Qui Tam, means you will be awarded three times the amount of monetary damages regarding your specific case. Please read the below CAPRA documentation that will allow you to join the thousands like me that have already signed up individually to be a part of this historical landmark civil class action lawsuit on behalf of all of our children in reuniting with the alienated parent. Thank you for your time and hope this finds each of you new hope in some way as we continue to fight for our children.

    This is a legitimate Federal class action lawsuit against all state family courts and the public outcry against corruption in the family courts. Please take the time to read and decide for yourself. Thank you.

    JOIN FREE: Federal Class Action for U.S. Child Custody Victims –

    Friends, I just joined CAPRA as one of the lead plaintiffs in an upcoming landmark federal class action lawsuit against all 50 States and the Federal Government, because I qualify as: (1) a biological parent whose child custody was unconstitutionally removed without due process; and, (2) I have been directly impacted by that during the last four years, i.e., within the statute of limitations. This class action is on behalf of *both* types of “family court” — for wrongful victims of divorce-and-similar-with-kids *and* for wrongful victims of child protection services — and includes suing on behalf of ANY parent affected by either “family court” type.

    It’s totally free to join, and the federal court relief being demanded includes the full restoral of my child custody rights under law, plus a nice share of the large amount in civil damages expected. Check it out!

    It just requires entering someone’s referral Code to join, so PLEASE use mine – 70769KB123 – in the CAPRA registration form, located on the bottom of the homepage at http://parentalrightsclassaction.com

    Plus, check out their power-packed Legal Tips page for all parents fighting family court, too.


    • mrailslider
      October 24, 2016

      Mad angels army is members that suffer from the abuses of the child protection systems of the US states and nationally Michael B.Roberts mrailslider@aol.com


  12. Pingback: banagainstcorruption

  13. Dayana De Leon
    July 1, 2018

    Cos harrasment needs to end! It has affected my family. Thank God he allowed me to think fast and protect my kids. But there’s a swarm of dark tinted cars following me everywhere. I can’t get a job or if I do I get fired 2 days later. I feel I’m being set up in a trap of the devil himself. Angel armies please help us!


  14. Pingback: Rumors, Lies and Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife | Human Trafficking Massachusetts

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