A Miracle for US

STOP taking OUR children – ALL children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents.

Medical Kidnapping is REAL

Medical Kidnapping is REAL – Team Zip It

Team Zip It cover imageThis author is well known and respected across the internet, in FB groups, and other forms of social and alternative media.  He supports families throughout the US who are in the battle of their lives, because he has been through it all, and come out the other side.  As most who have come up against this Goliath, it didn’t just take his son, but literally everything else he had.  Prevailing over the Goliath is just the beginning of the long road to recovering from the battle.  It continues to harm and haunt all involved for years, if not life, from the physical and emotional scars, to the long-standing financial depletion, and then massive debt, until there is nothing left.  This is what almost always accompanies anyone involved with CPS when they come into your lives to “protect children”, and parents fight with everything they have to SAVE their children, and get them back.Team Zip It cover image

Many of you may already have Fred as a friend in your friend’s list and not even have known he authored a book (We learned of this only a few days ago).  Let’s get this book out there.  I can think of a few (read ALL) Legislators that it should be required reading for so they can make laws to STOP these crimes against children and families by our government.  If you are able, HAND DELIVER this book to YOUR LEGISLATOR and promote at their Town Meetings and local events.

We’ve seen enough of this sort of stuff, and tens of thousands more have yet to be heard from.  Think of how they said Justina Pelletier’s issues were in her head!  One has to wonder what the real motivation for such a bizarre thing to happen is:  SEE  Did Hospitals Find The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow?

Team Zip It is a true story of a young man who developed a perplexing medical condition, a medical community that ultimately deemed the condition ” all in his head” and a father who embarked on an unforeseen journey to save his son. 

Book Description

A mystery illness. A prestigious hospital. An only child. A fractious family. A formula for disaster. This is the shocking true story of how a medical conundrum quickly morphed into a contest of authority—who can say what when, and who cannot. What ensued was a living nightmare, from which there was no escape.

According to some, “Knowledge is Power.” Yet interestingly, forbidding knowledge is also power. This narrative is an expose of the confounding principle of intentional ignorance—the will to not know—and the consequences that follow. The very balance of power is at stake. For all of us. Take heed!

Team Zip It      Purchase the book Here

Fred Stasek
Publication Date: June 26, 2014
Book Size: 6.13″ x 9.21″
Pages: 254
Binding: Perfect Bound
Usually prints within 2 – 3 business days
Book Synopsis

Author Calvin Carvey, aka Frederic Stasek, tells the riveting story of his son’s illness and subsequent detention, in which he is treated for an imaginary mental illness. What ensues not only shocks the conscience, it beggars belief!

Frighteningly, this is not an isolated incident. Every family is at risk!

This book attempts to change that equation.

(Also available on Kindle through Amazon for $7.99 HERE ) Team Zip It cover image

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